Room to Create

Room to Create
Art for your Home and Spirit 245 Harrison Ave. Harrison, NY

About Me

My photo
Harrison, New York, United States
I love to create and decorate. We now have a store front that exhibits paintings, assemblages, photography, jewelry, pottery and other unique gift items. I'm a mural artist which also extends to painting on anything else. And the tile idea, I have to give credit to my friend Emelio, who I have painted many tiles for.... I also teach art to kids. Kids are good for your art. They free you up!

Sunday, August 04, 2013

And the painting speaks...

After the background I painted, John started it off while I was working at camp.
He began with a grid, then added a branch and faces, very much like his works on paper, but now with a brush.
Saturday was rich for painting and I saw the theme of "connection" developing.  Branches moving into vines and hair, tangling and intertwining , morphing into a garden.  Yes, The Garden of Eden.
Snakes, watchful eyes.. I look for symbolism.
Stepping back, an archer's bow revealed itself.. what was it aiming at?
An apple of course.. the apple of love.  What it wants is to break it open.. who holds the apple?
(We both know who.)
Who is the shooter? Me.
I am aiming but looking away.  I have the lotus growing from my head, my muddy thoughts, wishing for clarity, spirituality.. so I adorn myself with pearls, blue pearls, a personal significance.
Ananda, from the Blue Pearl, years ago, is responsible for my introduction to Abraham before he was so popular, bringing me deeper onto that spiritual path.
I wanted to bring things upward and moved there by painting some leaves.
Starting from the girl behind the tree who has a guilty look about her.. maybe she is Eve, hiding in the garden. She wants to transmute all those worried thoughts,  shed that which no longer serves her.. she want to transform into a being of beauty and lightness.  She has dreams of ascending, shedding her skin, leaving behind her cocoon, but she is too rooted..
She wants what we all want, to shed our skin, leave behind our cocoons and become that which we are intended to be.. Beings of Light.

John: "This piece is about the theology of hope. Some say love is the answer and I would have to say, attentiveness and awareness of others. It's about caring - how much we care for our brothers."
I ask the question, "How aware are we?"

Art brings awareness, insight, and with a collaboration like this, it opens up a dialogue for both of us into a deeper, meaningful relationship of our shared love.