The collaboration is not finished, but I needed to work something out of my system and not on that particular canvas... sooo, here I am taking a round canvas with one intention.. originally a mosaic.. and finding myself painting on it for another reason.
Feeling super sensitive lately and needing to deal with my emotions in a peaceful way.. I take to the canvas.
It started out pretty abstract, thinking I would focus on the elements.. wood, metal, earth, stone, water... notice no fire..
I painted for a while.. the stone, the decaying wood, barren landscape.. some metal bars and not sure what is there in the middle :-)... It felt so desolate, the decaying wood, the stone, maybe a barren planet.. I played with these round balls, beads.. connecting them.. feeling a need to be connected.. trying to connect to the "whys"..
I played with the orbs.. creating a pearl.. purity.. emotions.. truth.. and added the shell, the misplaced shell.. the separation from it's home.. Pearl in the sky.. the sea of skies.. Can we drop you in this pool and watch the ripples?
All actions create a ripple..many ripples we do not know of.. extending outwards to unknown places.. we are so unaware..
And then we remember that all things change.. it never stays the same and we must move with grace through these changes.. move beyond all that we see as "wrong", "bad", unjust... and find the center of peace within.
Butterfly goes through some very deep and magical changes.. we gain hope...Find that pearl deep inside and know, we are all children of the Universe.. we have our gifts that no one can take from us.. no one can take that which is deep inside each of us.. our truth, our faith, our love.
Hold on to that deep inner truth and know all will be resolved in time.
Namaste' Butterflies
This is what I do. ART with KIDS and Paint on people's walls! What can be better than that?!
Room to Create
About Me
- Doe Grozs Art
- Harrison, New York, United States
- I love to create and decorate. We now have a store front that exhibits paintings, assemblages, photography, jewelry, pottery and other unique gift items. I'm a mural artist which also extends to painting on anything else. And the tile idea, I have to give credit to my friend Emelio, who I have painted many tiles for.... I also teach art to kids. Kids are good for your art. They free you up!